##Copyright 2008-2011 Thomas Paviot (tpaviot@gmail.com)
##This file is part of pythonOCC.
##pythonOCC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
##it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
##the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
##(at your option) any later version.
##pythonOCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
##but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
##GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
##You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
##along with pythonOCC. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os.path
from OCC.STEPCAFControl import STEPCAFControl_Reader
from OCC import XCAFApp, TDocStd, XCAFDoc
from OCC.TCollection import TCollection_ExtendedString, TCollection_AsciiString
from OCC.TDF import TDF_LabelSequence, TDF_Tool, TDF_Label
from OCC.Utils.Topology import Topo
from OCC.TDataStd import Handle_TDataStd_Name, TDataStd_Name_GetID
from OCC.Quantity import Quantity_Color
from OCC.Bnd import Bnd_Box
from OCC.TopLoc import TopLoc_Location
from OCC.BRepMesh import BRepMesh_Mesh
from OCC.BRepBndLib import BRepBndLib_Add
from OCC.BRep import BRep_Tool_Triangulation
from mesh import GeometryWriter, get_mesh_precision
from classes import (Link, Product, TransformationMatrix, search_assembly,
from OCC.GarbageCollector import garbage
def new_collect_object(self, obj_deleted):
[docs]class StepImporter(object):
:param file_path: Path of the file **.stp** to analyzing
:param id: For the generation of the :class:`.Product`, **id** is assigned like product.doc_id for every node of :class:`.Product`. For the generation of the files of geometry **.geo**, **id** , together with an index generated by the class, are used to identify the content of every file
Generates from a path of :class:`~django.core.files.File` **.stp**:
-A set of files **.geo** that represents the geometry of the different simple products that are useful to realize the visualization 3D across the web browser.
-A structure of information that represents the arborescencse of the different assemblies,represented in a :class:`.Product` . (Including his spatial location and orientation and his label of reference (:class:`.OCC.TDF.TDF_Label`))
This class is invoked from three different subprocesses related to the functionality of pythonOCC(generate3D.py , generateComposition.py , generateDecomposition.py).
def __init__(self, file_path, id=None):
self.file = file_path.encode("utf-8")
self.id = id
self.shapes_simples = []
basename = os.path.basename(self.file)
self.fileName = os.path.splitext(basename)[0]
self.STEPReader = STEPCAFControl_Reader()
if self.STEPReader.ReadFile(self.file) != 1:
raise OCCReadingStepError
self.h_doc = TDocStd.Handle_TDocStd_Document()
self.app = XCAFApp.GetApplication().GetObject()
self.app.NewDocument(TCollection_ExtendedString("MDTV-XCAF"), self.h_doc)
self.doc = self.h_doc.GetObject()
self.h_shape_tool = XCAFDoc.XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_ShapeTool(self.doc.Main())
self.h_colors_tool = XCAFDoc.XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_ColorTool(self.doc.Main())
self.shape_tool = self.h_shape_tool.GetObject()
self.shapes = TDF_LabelSequence()
for i in range(self.shapes.Length()):
shape = self.shapes.Value(i+1)
if self.shape_tool.IsSimpleShape(shape):
compShape = self.shape_tool.GetShape(shape)
t = Topo(compShape)
if t.number_of_vertices() > 0:
label = get_label_name(shape)
color = find_color(shape, self.color_tool, self.shape_tool)
self.shapes_simples.append(SimpleShape(label, compShape, color))
roots = TDF_LabelSequence()
self.thumbnail_valid = False
if roots.Length() == 1:
shape = self.shape_tool.GetShape(roots.Value(1))
t = Topo(shape)
if t.number_of_vertices() > 0:
bbox = Bnd_Box()
gap = 0
BRepMesh_Mesh(shape, get_mesh_precision(shape, 1))
faces_iterator = Topo(shape).faces()
for F in faces_iterator:
face_location = TopLoc_Location()
BRep_Tool_Triangulation(F, face_location)
BRepBndLib_Add(shape, bbox)
x_min, y_min, z_min, x_max, y_max, z_max = bbox.Get()
diagonal = max(x_max - x_min, y_max - y_min, z_max - z_min)
if diagonal > 0:
self.scale = 200. / diagonal
self.trans = ((x_max - x_min) / 2. - x_max,
(y_max - y_min) / 2. - y_max,
(z_max - z_min) / 2. - z_max)
self.thumbnail_valid = True
ws = self.STEPReader.Reader().WS().GetObject()
model = ws.Model().GetObject()
[docs] def compute_geometries(self,root_path, pov_dir):
:param root_path: Path where to store the files **.geo** generated
When we generate a new :class:`.StepImporter` we will refill a list(**shapes_simples**) whit the :class:`.SimpleShape` contained in the file **.stp**
For each :class:`.SimpleShape` in the list **shapes_simples**:
We call the method :func:`.write_geometries` to generate a file **.geo** representative of its geometry,the content of the file is identified by the index+1 (>0) of the position of the :class:`.SimpleShape` in the list of **SimpleShapes** and by the attribue id of :class:`.StepImporter`
Returns the list of the path of the generated **.geo** files
self.povs = []
for index, shape in enumerate(self.shapes_simples):
path=os.path.join(root_path, name)
writer = GeometryWriter(shape, 0.3)
pov_filename = os.path.join(pov_dir, os.path.basename(path + ".inc"))
writer.write_geometries(identifier, path, pov_filename)
files_index+="GEO:"+name+" , "+str(index+1)+"\n"
if writer.triangle_count:
self.povs.append((os.path.basename(name + ".inc"), identifier))
return files_index
[docs] def generate_product_arbre(self):
Generates a :class:`.Product` relative to the assemblies of the file **.stp**, for every node of the :class:`.Product` it includes a label (:class:`.OCC.TDF.TDF_Label`) that represents and identifies the node , openPLM can only work whit a single root **.stp** files
roots = TDF_LabelSequence()
if roots.Length() != 1:
raise MultiRootError
deep = 0
product_id = [1]
root = roots.Value(1)
name = get_label_name(root)
self.main_product = Product(name, deep, root, self.id, product_id[0], self.file)
product_id[0] += 1
expand_product(self.shape_tool,self.main_product, self.shapes_simples,
deep+1, self.id, self.main_product, product_id, self.file)
return self.main_product
[docs]class SimpleShape():
Class used to represent a simple shape geometry (not assembly)
:model attributes:
.. attribute:: name
Name of geometry
.. attribute:: TopoDS_Shape
:class:`.OCC.TopoDS.TopoDS_Shape` that contains the geometry
.. attribute:: color
:class:`.OCC.Quantity.Quantity_Color` that contains information about color of geometry
def __init__(self, name,TopoDS_Shape,color):
self.name = name
self.shape = TopoDS_Shape #OCC.TopoDS.TopoDS_Shape
self.color = color
[docs]def expand_product(shape_tool,product,shapes_simples,deep,doc_id,product_root,product_id,file_path):
:param shape_tool: :class:`.OCC.XCAFDoc.XCAFDoc_ShapeTool`
:param product: :class:`.Product` that will be expanded
:param shapes_simples: list of :class:`.SimpleShape`
:param deep: Depth of the node that we explore
:param doc_id: id that references a :class:`.DocumentFile` of which we are generating the :class:`.Product`
:param product_root: :class:`.Product` root of the arborescense
We are going to expand a :class:`.Product` (**product**) from the :class:`.OCC.TDF.TDF_Label` who identifies it (**product**.label_reference)
If the **product** is an assembly:
* We generate the **list** of the :class:`.OCC.TDF.TDF_Label` that define it
* for each :class:`.OCC.TDF.TDF_Label` in **list**:
- We generate a new :class:`.document3D.classes.Link` or if two or more :class:`.OCC.TDF.TDF_Label` of the list are partner, add an occurrence extra to the :class:`.document3D.classes.Link` that already was generated
- The :class:`.document3D.classes.Link` is going to point at a new :class:`.Product` or, if the :class:`.Product` is already present in **product_root**, at the already definite product
- If the :class:`.document3D.classes.Link` pointed at a new :class:`.Product` we need to expand it
* The atribute **label_reference** of the new :class:`.Product` should be the :class:`.OCC.TDF.TDF_Label`
* We expand the :class:`.Product` in a recursive call of method
Else the **product** is a simple shape:
* We look in the list of **shapes_simples** for his partner
* We set the attribute **product**.geometry like the index+1 (>0) of the position of his partner in the list of **SimpleShape**
if shape_tool.IsAssembly(product.label_reference):
l_c = TDF_LabelSequence()
for i in range(l_c.Length()):
label = l_c.Value(i+1)
if shape_tool.IsReference(label):
shape_tool.GetReferredShape(label, label_reference)
reference_found = False
matrix = TransformationMatrix(get_matrix(shape_tool.GetLocation(label).Transformation()))
shape = shape_tool.GetShape(label_reference)
for link in product.links:
if shape_tool.GetShape(link.product.label_reference).IsPartner(shape):
link.add_occurrence(get_label_name(label), matrix)
reference_found = True
if not reference_found:
new_product = Product(get_label_name(label_reference), deep,
label_reference, doc_id, product_id[0], file_path)
product_assembly = search_assembly(new_product, product_root)
if product_assembly:
product_id[0] += 1
expand_product(shape_tool, new_product, shapes_simples,
deep+1, doc_id, product_root,product_id, file_path)
product.links[-1].add_occurrence(get_label_name(label), matrix)
compShape = shape_tool.GetShape(product.label_reference)
for index in range(len(shapes_simples)):
if compShape.IsPartner(shapes_simples[index].shape):
product.set_geometry(index+1) #to avoid index==0
[docs]def get_matrix(location):
Converts *location* in an array ([x1, x2, x3, x4, y1, y2, y3, y4, z1, z2, z3, z4])
== == == == == = ==
x1 x2 x3 x4 x = x'
y1 y2 y3 y4 y = y'
z1 z2 z3 z4 z = z'
0 0 0 1 1 = 1
== == == == == = ==
:param location: location
:type location: :class:`.OCC.TopLoc.TopLoc_Location`
m = location.VectorialPart()
gp = m.Row(1)
x1 = gp.X()
x2 = gp.Y()
x3 = gp.Z()
x4 = location.Transforms()[0]
gp = m.Row(2)
y1 = gp.X()
y2 = gp.Y()
y3 = gp.Z()
y4 = location.Transforms()[1]
gp = m.Row(3)
z1 = gp.X()
z2 = gp.Y()
z3 = gp.Z()
z4 = location.Transforms()[2]
return [x1, x2, x3, x4, y1, y2, y3, y4, z1, z2, z3, z4]
[docs]def get_label_name(lab):
Returns the name of a :class:`.OCC.TDF.TDF_Label` (**lab**)
:param lab: :class:`.OCC.TDF.TDF_Label`
entry = TCollection_AsciiString()
N = Handle_TDataStd_Name()
return unicode(n.Get().PrintToString(),errors='ignore')#.decode("latin-1")
[docs]def set_label_name(label, name):
Sets the name of a :class:`.OCC.TDF.TDF_Label` (**label**)
:param label: :class:`.OCC.TDF.TDF_Label`
:param name: new name for a :class:`.OCC.TDF.TDF_Label`
entry = TCollection_AsciiString()
TDF_Tool.Entry(label, entry)
N = Handle_TDataStd_Name()
[docs]def find_color(label, color_tool, shape_tool):
Gets the color of a :class:`.OCC.TDF.TDF_Label` (**label**)
:param label: :class:`.OCC.TDF.TDF_Label`
:param shape_tool: :class:`.OCC.XCAFDoc.XCAFDoc_ShapeTool`
:param color_tool: :class:`.OCC.XCAFDoc.XCAFDoc_ColorTool`
c = Quantity_Color()
if (color_tool.GetInstanceColor(shape_tool.GetShape(label), 0, c) or
color_tool.GetInstanceColor(shape_tool.GetShape(label), 1, c) or
color_tool.GetInstanceColor(shape_tool.GetShape(label), 2, c)):
for i in (0, 1, 2):
color_tool.SetInstanceColor(label, i, c)
return c
if (color_tool.GetColor(label, 0, c) or
color_tool.GetColor(label, 1, c) or
color_tool.GetColor(label, 2, c)):
shape = shape_tool.GetShape(label)
for i in (0, 1, 2):
color_tool.SetInstanceColor(shape, i, c)
return c
return False
class MultiRootError(Exception):
def __unicode__(self):
return u"OpenPLM does not support files step with multiple roots"
class OCCReadingStepError(Exception):
def __unicode__(self):
return u"PythonOCC could not read the file"