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Code source de openPLM.apps.document3D.classes

import hashlib
import string
import random
import os

def get_available_name(location, name):
    def rand():
        r = ""
        for i in xrange(7):
            r += random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits)
        return r
    basename = os.path.basename(name)
    base, ext = os.path.splitext(basename)
    ext2 = ext.lstrip(".").lower() or "no_ext"
    md5 = hashlib.md5()
    md5_value = md5.hexdigest() + "-%s" + ext
    path = os.path.join(ext2, md5_value % rand())
    while os.path.exists(os.path.join(location, path)):
        path = os.path.join(ext2, md5_value % rand())
    return path

[docs]class Product(object): """ Class used to represent the **arborescense** contained in a :class:`~django.core.files.File` **.stp**.A :class:`.Product` can be simple or an assembly, if it is an assembly in **links** we will guard the information about other :class:`.Product` that compose it. There are two ways of generating a :class:`.Product`, reading the file **.stp** across the class :class:`.StepImporter` ( will refill the attribute **label_reference** for every :class:`Product`), or reading a file **.arb** related to a :class:`.ArbreFile` . Therefore there exist two ways of distinguishing the different :class:`.Product`, by means of the attribute **label_reference** if this one is not False , or by means of the combination of attributes **id** and **doc_id**. :model attributes: .. attribute:: links If the product is an assembly, links stores one or more :class:`.openPLM.apps.document3D.classes.Link` references to the products that compose it .. attribute:: label_reference When we generate an arborescense using :class:`.StepImporter` , here we will store the label that represents the :class:`.Product` , if we generate the arborescense reading a file **.geo**, this attribute will be **False** .. attribute:: name Name of :class:`.Product` ,if the name is empty and there exists a :class:`.Link` at the :class:`.Product` , we will assign the name of the :class:`.Link` to the :class:`.Product` .. attribute:: doc_id Id of the :class:`.DocumentFile` that contains the :class:`.Product` , in the case of :class:`~django.core.files.File` .stp decomposed them **doc_id** may be different for every :class:`.Product` of the arborescense .. attribute:: doc_path Path of the :class:`~django.core.files.File` represented by the :class:`.DocumentFile` that contains the product .. attribute:: part_to_decompose Used in the decomposition, it indicates the :class:`.Part` where the :class:`.Product` was decomposed .. attribute:: geometry If geometry is True (>=1) then the :class:`.Product` is single (without **links** ) , and his value refers to the index that we will use to recover a :class:`.GeometryFile` .. attribute:: deep Depth in the arborescense .. attribute:: visited Used in the decomposition , indicates if a :class:`.Product` has been visited in the tour of the arborescense .. attribute:: id identified the :class:`.Product` """ __slots__ = ("label_reference","name","doc_id","links","geometry","deep","doc_path","visited","part_to_decompose","id") def __init__(self,name,deep,label_reference,doc_id,id,doc_path=None,geometry=False): #no tiene location self.links = [] self.label_reference=label_reference self.doc_id=doc_id self.doc_path=doc_path self.part_to_decompose=False self.geometry=geometry self.deep=deep self.visited=False def set_geometry(self,geometry): self.geometry=geometry def set_new_root(self,new_doc_id,new_doc_path,for_child=False): #0 cant be a valid geometry index , 0==False old_id=self.doc_id self.doc_id=new_doc_id self.doc_path=new_doc_path for link in self.links: if link.product.doc_id == old_id or for_child: link.product.set_new_root(new_doc_id,new_doc_path,for_child) @property
[docs] def is_decomposed(self): """ If it is an assembly and any :class:`.Product` contents in its **links** are defined (**doc_id**) in another :class:`DocumentFile` (**doc_id**) """ for link in self.links: if not link.product.doc_id == self.doc_id: return True return False
[docs] def is_decomposable(self): """ If it is an assembly and any :class:`.Product` contents in its **links** are defined (**doc_id**) in the same :class:`DocumentFile` (**doc_id**) """ for link in self.links: if link.product.doc_id == self.doc_id: return True return False
@property def is_assembly(self): if self.links: return return False def to_list(self): output = [[, self.doc_id, self.geometry, self.doc_path,]] for link in self.links: output.append(link.to_list()) return output @classmethod
[docs] def from_list(cls, arbre, product=False, product_root=False, deep=0, to_update_product_root=False): """ Returns a new Product built from *arbre*. *arbre* is a serialized version as returned by :meth:`.to_list`. Example: - To generate a **product** of a single file **.arb** :: tree=Product.from_list(json.loads( - To generate a **product** of a single file .arb and link this one like a branch of a certain **product_root_node** of an already existing **product_root** .. code-block:: python product=Product.from_list(json.loads(,product=False, product_root=product_root, deep=xxx, to_update_product_root=product_root_node) This method generates the :class:`Link` between **product_root_node** and **product** , **BUT** it does not add the occurrences, generally this occurrences are stored in the existing :class:`Location_link` After generating the **product** and the :class:`Link`, we will have to refill the :class:`Link` calling the function :meth:`.add_occurrence` for the :class:`Link`: .. code-block:: python for location in locations: product_root_node.links[-1].add_occurrence(,location) :param arbre: :param product: Product that represents an arborescense , **ONLY** used in successive recursive calls of the function :type plmobject: :class:`.Product` :param product_root: Product that represents a root arborescense , used to determine if the product to generate is already present in the tree :type plmobject: :class:`.Product` :param deep: depth of **product** in the arborescense :param to_update_product_root: Product that represents a node of an arborescense (sub-branch of arborescense referenced by **product_root**) :type plmobject: :class:`.Product` """ def prod(a, d): return cls(a[0], d, False, a[1], a[4], a[3], a[2]) if not product_root: product = prod(arbre[0], deep) product_root = product elif to_update_product_root: #Important, in case of generation of a tree contained in several files, it supports updated product_root product= prod(arbre[0], deep) product_assembly=search_assembly(product,product_root) if product_assembly: to_update_product_root.links.append(Link(product_assembly)) return False else: to_update_product_root.links.append(Link(product)) for i in range(len(arbre)-1): arbre_child = arbre[i+1] product_child = prod(arbre_child[1][0], deep+1) product_assembly = search_assembly(product_child, product_root) if product_assembly: product_child = product_assembly link = Link(product_child) product.links.append(link) for name, matrix in arbre_child[0]: link.add_occurrence(name, TransformationMatrix(matrix)) if not product_assembly: cls.from_list(arbre_child[1], product_child, product_root, deep+1) return product
[docs]class TransformationMatrix(object): """ Defines a non-persistent transformation in 3D space == == == == == = == x1 x2 x3 x4 x = x' y1 y2 y3 y4 y = y' z1 z2 z3 z4 z = z' 0 0 0 1 1 = 1 == == == == == = == """ __slots__ = ("x1","x2","x3","x4","y1","y2","y3","y4","z1","z2","z3","z4") def __init__(self, coords): (self.x1, self.x2, self.x3, self.x4, self.y1, self.y2, self.y3, self.y4, self.z1, self.z2, self.z3, self.z4) = coords def to_array(self): return [self.x1, self.x2, self.x3, self.x4, self.y1, self.y2, self.y3, self.y4, self.z1, self.z2, self.z3, self.z4]
[docs]def search_assembly(product, product_root): """ Checks if a :class:`Product` is already present in an arborescense :class:`Product` (**product_root**) There are two manners of comparison, across **label_reference** ( generated for :class:`.StepImporter` for every :class:`Product`), or across **id** and **doc_id** (extracted of a file **.geo** for every :class:`Product`) :param product_root: :class:`Product` root of the arborescense :param product: :class:`Product` for that we look in the **product_root** """ if product_root: for link in product_root.links: if product.label_reference: if link.product.label_reference==product.label_reference: return link.product elif and product.doc_id==link.product.doc_id: return link.product product_found=search_assembly(product,link.product) if product_found: return product_found