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Code source de openPLM.apps.document3D.views

import os
import fileinput
import json
from collections import namedtuple

from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth.views import redirect_to_login
from django.core.files.base import File
from django.db import transaction
from django.http import (HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect,
        HttpResponseForbidden, Http404, StreamingHttpResponse)

from openPLM.plmapp.views.base import (handle_errors, secure_required,
        get_generic_data, get_obj, get_obj_by_id, init_ctx)
from openPLM.plmapp.views.ajax import ajax_login_required
from openPLM.apps.document3D import forms
from openPLM.apps.document3D import models
from openPLM.apps.document3D.arborescense import JSGenerator
from openPLM.apps.document3D import classes
from openPLM.plmapp import forms as pforms
from openPLM.plmapp import models as pmodels
from openPLM.plmapp.models import get_all_plmobjects
from openPLM.plmapp.tasks import update_indexes
from openPLM.plmapp.decomposers.base import Decomposer, DecomposersManager
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
from openPLM.plmapp.utils import r2r

[docs]def display_3d(request, obj_ref, obj_revi): """ 3D view. This view is able to show a 3D file (STEP or STL) using WebGL. **Template:** :file:`Display3D.html` """ obj, ctx = get_generic_data(request, "Document3D", obj_ref, obj_revi) ctx['current_page'] = '3D' ctx['stl'] = False try: doc_file = obj.files.filter(models.is_stp)[0] except IndexError: doc_file = None geometry_files = [] javascript_arborescense="" try: doc_file = obj.files.filter(models.is_stl)[0] ctx["stl"] = True ctx["stl_file"] = doc_file except IndexError: pass else: product = obj.get_product(doc_file, True) geometry_files = obj.get_all_geometry_files(doc_file) geometry_files = [os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_URL, "3D", p) for p in geometry_files] javascript_arborescense = JSGenerator(product).get_js() ctx.update({ 'GeometryFiles' : json.dumps(geometry_files), 'javascript_arborescense' : javascript_arborescense , }) return r2r('Display3D.htm', ctx, request)
@secure_required def display_public_3d(request, obj_ref, obj_revi): obj = get_obj("Document3D", obj_ref, obj_revi, request.user) if not obj.published and request.user.is_anonymous(): return redirect_to_login(request.get_full_path()) elif not obj.published and not obj.check_restricted_readable(False): raise Http404 ctx = init_ctx("Document3D", obj_ref, obj_revi) ctx['stl'] = False try: doc_file = obj.files.filter(models.is_stp)[0] except IndexError: doc_file = None javascript_arborescense="" try: doc_file = obj.files.filter(models.is_stl)[0] ctx["stl"] = True ctx["stl_file"] = doc_file except IndexError: pass else: product = obj.get_product(doc_file, True) javascript_arborescense = JSGenerator(product).get_js() ctx.update({ 'is_readable' : True, 'is_contributor': False, # disable the menu and the navigation_history 'object_menu' : [], 'navigation_history' : [], 'obj' : obj, 'javascript_arborescense' : javascript_arborescense, }) return r2r("public_3d_view.html", ctx, request) @secure_required def public_3d_js(request, obj_id): obj = get_obj_by_id(int(obj_id), request.user) if not obj.is_document and not obj.type == "Document3D": raise Http404 if not obj.published and request.user.is_anonymous(): return redirect_to_login(request.get_full_path()) elif not obj.published and not obj.check_restricted_readable(False): raise Http404 try: doc_file = obj.files.filter(models.is_stp)[0] except IndexError: js_files = [] else: js_files = obj.get_all_geometry_files(doc_file) if not js_files: return HttpResponse("") f = fileinput.FileInput(os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, "3D", p) for p in js_files) response = StreamingHttpResponse(f, content_type="text/script") return response
[docs]class StepDecomposer(Decomposer): """ :class:`.Decomposer` of Document3D. """ __slots__ = ("part", "decompose_valid") def _get_decomposable_stpfile(self, doc): if not models.ArbreFile.objects.filter(stp__document=doc, stp__deprecated=False, stp__locked=False, decomposable=True).exists(): return None try: stp_file = pmodels.DocumentFile.objects.only("document", "filename").get(models.is_stp, locked=False, deprecated=False, document=doc) except: return None else: if not models.ArbreFile.objects.filter(stp=stp_file, decomposable=True).exists(): return None if stp_file.checkout_valid: return stp_file return None def is_decomposable(self, msg=True): decompose_valid = [] if not models.Document3D.objects.filter(PartDecompose=self.part).exists(): links =, document__type="Document3D", document__document3d__PartDecompose=None).values_list("document", flat=True) for doc_id in links: try: if msg: doc = models.Document3D.objects.get(id=doc_id) else: doc = doc_id file_stp = self._get_decomposable_stpfile(doc) if file_stp and msg: decompose_valid.append((doc, file_stp)) elif file_stp: return True except: pass else: try: doc = models.Document3D.objects.get(PartDecompose=self.part) file_stp = self._get_decomposable_stpfile(doc) if file_stp and msg: decompose_valid.append((doc, file_stp)) elif file_stp: return True except: pass self.decompose_valid = decompose_valid return len(decompose_valid) > 0 def get_decomposable_parts(self, parts): decomposable = set() if parts: # invalid parts are parts already decomposed by a StepDecomposer invalid_parts = models.Document3D.objects.filter(PartDecompose__in=parts)\ .values_list("PartDecompose", flat=True) links = list(, document__type="Document3D", # Document3D has no subclasses document__document3d__PartDecompose=None). \ exclude(part__in=invalid_parts).values_list("document", "part")) docs = [l[0] for l in links] if docs: # valid documents are documents with a step file that is decomposable valid_docs = dict(models.ArbreFile.objects.filter(stp__document__in=docs, stp__deprecated=False, stp__locked=False, decomposable=True).values_list("stp__document", "stp")) for doc_id, part_id in links: if (doc_id not in valid_docs) or (part_id in decomposable): continue stp = pmodels.DocumentFile.objects.only("document", "filename").get(id=valid_docs[doc_id]) if stp.checkout_valid: decomposable.add(part_id) return decomposable def get_message(self): if self.decompose_valid: return render_to_string("decompose_msg.html", { "part" : self.part, "decomposable_docs" : self.decompose_valid }) return ""
DecomposersManager.register(StepDecomposer) PartDoc = namedtuple("PartDoc", "part_type qty_form cforms name is_assembly prefix ref") Assembly = namedtuple("Assembly", ("part_docs", "name", "visited", "depth", "type")) INVALID_TIME_ERROR = "Error: document has been modified since the beginning of this task." @handle_errors
[docs]def display_decompose(request, obj_type, obj_ref, obj_revi, stp_id): """ :param obj_type: Type of the :class:`.Part` from which we want to realize the decomposition :param obj_ref: Reference of the :class:`.Part` from which we want to realize the decomposition :param obj_revi: Revision of the :class:`.Part` from which we want to realize the decomposition :param stp_id: Id that identify the :class:`.DocumentFile` contained in a :class:`.Document3D` attached to the :class:`.Part` (identified by **obj_type**, **obj_ref**, **obj_revi**) that we will decompose When we demand the decomposition across the web form, the following tasks are realized - We check that the :class:`.Document3D` that contains the :class:`.DocumentFile` (**stp_id**) that will be decomposed has not been modified since the generation of the form - We check the validity of the information got in the form - If exists a native :class:`.DocumentFile` file related to :class:`.DocumentFile` (**stp_id**) that will be decomposed then this one was depreciated (afterwards will be promoted) - The :class:`.DocumentFile` (**stp_id**) was locked (afterwards will be promoted) - We call the function :meth:`.generate_part_doc_links_AUX` (with the property **transaction.commit_on_success**) - We generate the arborescense (:class:`.product`) of the :class:`.DocumentFile` (**stp_id**) - The bom-child of Parts (in relation to the arborescense of the :class:`.DocumentFile` (**stp_id**)) has been generated - For every :class:`.ParentChildLink` generated in the previous condition we attach all the :class:`.Location_link` relatives - To every generated :class:`.Part` a :class:`.Document3D` has been attached and this document has been set like the attribute PartDecompose of the :class:`.Part` - The attribute doc_id of every node of the arborescense (:class:`.Product`) is now the relative id of :class:`.Document3D` generated in the previous condition - To every generated :class:`.Document3D` has been added a new empty(locked) :class:`.DocumentFile` STP - The attribute doc_path of every node of the arborescense(:class:`.Product`) is now the path of :class:`.DocumentFile` STP generated in the previous condition - We update the indexes for the objects generated - We call the processus decomposer_all(with celeryd) """ obj, ctx = get_generic_data(request, obj_type, obj_ref, obj_revi) stp_file=pmodels.DocumentFile.objects.get(id=stp_id) assemblies=[] if stp_file.locked: raise ValueError("Not allowed operation.This DocumentFile is locked") if not obj.get_attached_documents().filter(document=stp_file.document).exists(): raise ValueError("Not allowed operation.The Document and the Part are not linked") if (models.Document3D.objects.filter(PartDecompose=obj.object).exists() and not models.Document3D.objects.get(PartDecompose=obj.object) #a same document could be re-decomposed for the same part raise ValueError("Not allowed operation.This Part already forms part of another split BOM") try: doc3D=models.Document3D.objects.get(id=stp_file.document_id) except models.Document3D.DoesNotExist: raise ValueError("Not allowed operation.The document is not a subtype of document3D") if doc3D.PartDecompose and not raise ValueError("Not allowed operation.This Document already forms part of another split BOM") document_controller = models.Document3DController(doc3D, pmodels.User.objects.get(username=settings.COMPANY)) if request.method == 'POST': extra_errors = "" product = document_controller.get_product(stp_file, False) last_mtime = forms.Form_save_time_last_modification(request.POST) obj.block_mails() if last_mtime.is_valid() and product: old_time = last_mtime.cleaned_data['last_modif_time'] old_microseconds = last_mtime.cleaned_data['last_modif_microseconds'] index=[1] if clean_form(request,assemblies,product,index,obj_type, {}): if (same_time(old_time, old_microseconds, document_controller.mtime) and stp_file.checkout_valid and not stp_file.locked): stp_file.locked=True native_related=stp_file.native_related if native_related: native_related.deprecated=True else: native_related_pk=None try: instances = [] old_product = json.dumps(product.to_list()) # we save the product before update nodes whit new doc_id and doc_path generated during the bomb-child generate_part_doc_links_AUX(request, product, obj,instances,doc3D) update_indexes.delay(instances) except Exception as excep: if isinstance(excep, models.Document_Generate_Bom_Error): models.delete_files(excep.to_delete) extra_errors = unicode(excep) stp_file.locked = False = None if native_related: native_related.deprecated=False else: models.decomposer_all.delay(, json.dumps(product.to_list()),, native_related_pk,, old_product) return HttpResponseRedirect(obj.plmobject_url+"BOM-child/") else: extra_errors="The Document3D associated with the file STEP to analyze has been modified by another user while the forms were refilled:Please restart the process" else: extra_errors="Error refilling the form, please check it" else: extra_errors = INVALID_TIME_ERROR else: last_mtime=forms.Form_save_time_last_modification() last_mtime.fields["last_modif_time"].initial = stp_file.document.mtime last_mtime.fields["last_modif_microseconds"].initial= stp_file.document.mtime.microsecond product= document_controller.get_product(stp_file, False) if not product or not product.links: return HttpResponseRedirect(obj.plmobject_url+"BOM-child/") group = index=[1,0] # index[1] to evade generate holes in part_revision_default generation inbulk_cache = {} initialize_assemblies(assemblies,product,group,request.user,index,obj_type, inbulk_cache) extra_errors = "" deep_assemblies=sort_assemblies_by_depth(assemblies) ctx.update({'current_page':'decomposer', 'deep_assemblies' : deep_assemblies, 'extra_errors' : extra_errors, 'last_mtime' : last_mtime }) return r2r('DisplayDecompose.htm', ctx, request)
def sort_assemblies_by_depth(assemblies): new_assembly=[] for elem in assemblies: for i in range(elem[3]+1-len(new_assembly)): new_assembly.append([]) new_assembly[elem[3]].append(elem) return new_assembly
[docs]def clean_form(request, assemblies, product, index, obj_type, inbulk_cache): """ :param assemblies: will be refill whit the information necessary the generate the forms :param product: :class:`.Product` that represents the arborescense of the :class:`~django.core.files.File` .stp contained in a :class:`.DocumentFile` :param index: Use to mark and to identify the **product** s that already have been visited :param obj_type: Type of the :class:`.Part` from which we want to realize the decomposition It checks the validity of the forms contained in **request** If the forms are not valid, it returns the information to refill the new forms contained in **assemblies**. Refill **assemblies** with the different assemblies of the file step , we use **index** to mark and to identify the **products** that already have been visited For every Assembly we have the next information: - Name of assembly - Visited , If assembly is sub-assembly of more than one assembly, this attribute will be **False** for all less one of the occurrences If visited is **False**, we will be able to modify only the attributes **Order** , **Quantity** and **Unit** refered to the :class:`.ParentChildLink` in the form If visited is not **False** , it will be a new id acording to **index** (>=1) generated to identify the assembly - Depth of assembly - **obj_type** , type of :class:`.Part` of Assembly - A list with the products that compose the assembly for each element in the list: - part_type contains the form to select the type of :class:`.Part` - ord_quantity contains the forms to select Order , Quantity and Unit refered to the :class:`.ParentChildLink` - creation_formset contains the form for the creation of the part selected in part_type and of one :class:`.Document3D` - name_child_assemblies contains the name of the element - is_assembly determine if the element is a single product or another assembly - prefix contains the **index** of the assembly if he is visited for first time , else is False - ref contains the **index** of the assembly if he was visited previously, else False """ valid=True if product.links: part_docs = [] for link in product.links: link.visited=index[0] oq = forms.Order_Quantity_Form(request.POST,prefix=index[0]) if not oq.is_valid(): valid=False is_assembly = link.product.is_assembly name = if not link.product.visited: link.product.visited = index[0] part_type = forms.Doc_Part_type_Form(request.POST, prefix=index[0]) if not part_type.is_valid(): valid = False part = part_type.cleaned_data["type_part"] cls = get_all_plmobjects()[part] part_cform = pforms.get_creation_form(request.user, cls, request.POST, inbulk_cache=inbulk_cache, prefix=str(index[0])+"-part") doc_cform = pforms.get_creation_form(request.user, models.Document3D, request.POST, inbulk_cache=inbulk_cache, prefix=str(index[0])+"-document") if not part_cform.is_valid(): valid = False if not doc_cform.is_valid(): valid = False prefix = index[0] part_docs.append(PartDoc(part_type, oq, (part_cform, doc_cform), name, is_assembly, prefix, None)) index[0]+=1 if not clean_form(request, assemblies, link.product,index, part, inbulk_cache): valid = False else: index[0]+=1 part_docs.append(PartDoc(False, oq, False, name, is_assembly, None, link.product.visited)) assemblies.append(Assembly(part_docs, , product.visited , product.deep, obj_type)) return valid
[docs]def initialize_assemblies(assemblies,product,group,user,index, obj_type, inbulk_cache): """ :param assemblies: will be refill whit the information necessary the generate the forms :param product: :class:`.Product` that represents the arborescense of the :class:`~django.core.files.File` .stp contained in a :class:`.DocumentFile` :param index: Use to mark and to identify the **product** s that already have been visited :param obj_type: Type of the :class:`.Part` from which we want to realize the decomposition :param group: group by default from which we want to realize the decomposition Returns in assemblies a list initialized with the different assemblies of the file step For every Assembly we have the next information: - Name of assembly - Visited , If assembly is sub-assembly of more than an assembly, this attribute will be **False** for all less one of the occurrences If visited is **False**, we will be able to modify only the attributes **Order** , **Quantity** and **Unit** refered to the :class:`.ParentChildLinkin` in the form If visited is not **False** , it will be a new id acording to **index** (>=1) generated to identify the assembly - Depth of assembly - **obj_type** , type of :class:`.Part` of Assembly - A list with the products that compose the assembly for each element in the list: - part_type contains the form to select the type of :class:`.Part` - ord_quantity contains the forms to select Order , Quantity and Unit refered to the :class:`.ParentChildLink` - creation_formset contains the form for the creation of the part selected in part_type and of one :class:`.Document3D` - name_child_assemblies contains the name of the element - is_assembly determine if the element is a single product or another assembly - prefix contains the **index** of the assembly if he is visited for first time , else is False - ref contains the **index** of the assembly if he was visited previously, else False """ if product.links: part_docs = [] for order, link in enumerate(product.links): prefix = index[0] oq=forms.Order_Quantity_Form(prefix=index[0]) oq.fields["order"].initial = (order + 1)*10 oq.fields["quantity"].initial = link.quantity is_assembly = link.product.is_assembly name = if not link.product.visited: link.product.visited = index[0] part_type = forms.Doc_Part_type_Form(prefix=index[0]) part_cform = pforms.get_creation_form(user, pmodels.Part, None, index[1], inbulk_cache) # index[0].initial=1 -> -1 part_cform.prefix = str(index[0])+"-part" part_cform.fields["group"].initial = group part_cform.fields["name"].initial = doc_cform = pforms.get_creation_form(user, models.Document3D, None, index[1], inbulk_cache) doc_cform.prefix = str(index[0])+"-document" doc_cform.fields["name"].initial = doc_cform.fields["group"].initial = group prefix = index[0] part_docs.append(PartDoc(part_type, oq, (part_cform, doc_cform), name, is_assembly, prefix, None)) index[0]+=1 index[1]+=1 initialize_assemblies(assemblies,link.product,group,user,index, "Part", inbulk_cache) else: index[0]+=1 part_docs.append(PartDoc(False, oq, False, name, is_assembly, None, link.product.visited)) assemblies.append(Assembly(part_docs,, product.visited, product.deep, obj_type))
@transaction.commit_on_success def generate_part_doc_links_AUX(request,product, parent_ctrl,instances,doc3D): # wraps generate_part_doc_links with @commit_on_succes # it is not possible to decorate this function since it is recursive generate_part_doc_links(request,product, parent_ctrl,instances,doc3D, {})
[docs]def generateGhostDocumentFile(product, document, locker): """ :param product: :class:`.Product` that represents the arborescense :param Doc_controller: :class:`.Document3DController` from which we want to generate the :class:`.DocumentFile` For one :class:`.Product` (**product**) and one :class:`.Document3DController` (**Doc_controller**), generates a :class:`.DocumentFile` with a file .stp emptily without indexation It updates the attributes **doc_id** and **doc_path** of the :class:`.Product` (**product**) in relation of the generated :class:`.DocumentFile` """ doc_file = pmodels.DocumentFile() name =".stp") path = os.path.join(, name) f = File(open(path.encode(), 'w')) f.close() doc_file.no_index = True doc_file.filename = "Ghost.stp" doc_file.size = f.size doc_file.file = name doc_file.document = document doc_file.locked = True = locker product.doc_id = product.doc_path = doc_file.file.path return doc_file.file.path
@secure_required @ajax_login_required
[docs]def ajax_part_creation_form(request, prefix): """ It updates the form of an assembly determined by **prefix** without recharging the whole page and respecting the information introduced up to the moment The attributes can change depending on the type of part selected """ tf = forms.Doc_Part_type_Form(request.GET, prefix=prefix) if tf.is_valid(): cls = pmodels.get_all_parts()[tf.cleaned_data["type_part"]] cf = pforms.get_creation_form(request.user, cls, prefix=prefix+"-part", data=dict(request.GET.iteritems())) return r2r("extra_attributes.html", {"creation_form" : cf}, request) return HttpResponseForbidden()
def same_time(old_modification_data,old_modification_data_microsecond,mtime): d = old_modification_data.replace(microsecond=int(old_modification_data_microsecond)) return d == mtime