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Code source de plmapp.controllers.document

# openPLM - open source PLM
# Copyright 2010 Philippe Joulaud, Pierre Cosquer
# This file is part of openPLM.
#    openPLM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    openPLM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with openPLM.  If not, see <>.
# Contact :
#    Philippe Joulaud :
#    Pierre Cosquer :


import os
import shutil
from django.utils import timezone

import Image
from django.conf import settings
from djcelery_transactions import task

import openPLM.plmapp.models as models
from openPLM.plmapp.exceptions import LockError, UnlockError, DeleteFileError, PermissionError
from openPLM.plmapp.controllers.plmobject import PLMObjectController
from openPLM.plmapp.controllers.base import get_controller
from openPLM.plmapp.thumbnailers import generate_thumbnail
from openPLM.plmapp.files.formats import native_to_standards
from openPLM.plmapp.files.deletable import (get_deletable_files, ON_CHECKIN_SELECTORS,
from openPLM.plmapp.tasks import update_indexes

def delete_old_files(doc_file_pk, selectors):
    doc_file = models.DocumentFile.objects.get(id=doc_file_pk)
    for df in get_deletable_files(doc_file, selectors):
        os.chmod(df.file.path, 0700)
        if df.thumbnail:
            df.thumbnail = None
        if df.end_time is None:
            df.end_time =
        df.deleted = True
        df.deprecated = True

[docs]class DocumentController(PLMObjectController): """ A :class:`.PLMObjectController` which manages :class:`.Document` It provides methods to add or delete files, (un)lock them and attach a :class:`.Document` to a :class:`.Part`. """ @classmethod
[docs] def create_from_form(cls, form, user, *args, **kwargs): obj = super(DocumentController, cls).create_from_form(form, user, *args, **kwargs) if type(obj.object).ACCEPT_FILES: private_files = form.cleaned_data.get("pfiles", []) if any(pf.creator != user for pf in private_files): raise PermissionError("Not your file") for pf in private_files: doc_file = models.DocumentFile.objects.create(filename=pf.filename, size=pf.size, file=pf.file.path, document=obj.object) generate_thumbnail.delay( # django < 1.2.5 deletes the file when pf is deleted pf.file = "" pf.delete() template = form.cleaned_data["template"] if not private_files and template: if template.type == obj.type and template.is_official: obj.copy_files(template) else: raise ValueError("invalid template") for df in obj.files: obj.handle_added_file(df) return obj
[docs] def check_edit_files(self): self.check_in_group(self._user) self.check_contributor() self.check_editable()
[docs] def lock(self, doc_file): """ Lock *doc_file* so that it can not be modified or deleted if *doc_file* has a native related file this will be deprecated :exceptions raised: * :exc:`ValueError` if *doc_file*.document is not self.object * :exc:`.PermissionError` if :attr:`_user` is not the owner of :attr:`object` * :exc:`.PermissionError` if :attr:`object` is not editable. * :exc:`.LockError` if *doc_file* is already locked * :exc:`ValueError` if *doc_file* has a native related file locked :param doc_file: :type doc_file: :class:`.DocumentFile` """ self.check_edit_files() if != raise ValueError("Bad file's document") if not doc_file.checkout_valid: raise LockError("Check-out impossible, native related file is locked") if doc_file.deprecated: raise LockError("Check-out impossible, file is deprecated") if not doc_file.locked: doc_file.locked = True = self._user self._save_histo("locked file in ", "%s locked by %s" % (doc_file.filename, self._user)) doc_to_deprecated=doc_file.native_related if doc_to_deprecated: doc_to_deprecated.deprecated = True self._save_histo("deprecated file in ", "file : %s deprecated" % doc_to_deprecated.filename) else: raise LockError("File already locked")
[docs] def unlock(self, doc_file): """ Unlock *doc_file* so that it can be modified or deleted :exceptions raised: * :exc:`ValueError` if *doc_file*.document is not self.object * :exc:`plmapp.exceptions.UnlockError` if *doc_file* is already unlocked or ** is not the current user :param doc_file: :type doc_file: :class:`.DocumentFile` """ if != raise ValueError("Bad file's document") if not doc_file.locked: raise UnlockError("File already unlocked") if != self._user: raise UnlockError("Bad user") doc_file.locked = False = None self._save_histo("unlocked file in ", "file : %s unlocked by %s" % (doc_file.filename, self._user))
[docs] def add_file(self, f, update_attributes=True, thumbnail=True): """ Adds file *f* to the document. *f* should be a :class:`~django.core.files.File` with an attribute *name* (like an :class:`UploadedFile`). If *update_attributes* is True (the default), :meth:`handle_added_file` will be called with *f* as parameter. :return: the :class:`.DocumentFile` created. :raises: :exc:`.PermissionError` if :attr:`_user` is not the owner of :attr:`object` :raises: :exc:`.PermissionError` if :attr:`object` is not editable. :raises: :exc:`ValueError` if the file size is superior to :attr:`settings.MAX_FILE_SIZE` :raises: :exc:`ValueError` if we try to add a native file while a relate standar file locked is present in the Document """ self.check_edit_files() if settings.MAX_FILE_SIZE != -1 and f.size > settings.MAX_FILE_SIZE: raise ValueError("File too big, max size : %d bytes" % settings.MAX_FILE_SIZE) ="utf-8") if self.has_standard_related_locked( raise ValueError("Native file has a standard related locked file.") doc_file = models.DocumentFile(, size=f.size,,f), document=self.object) doc_file.no_index = getattr(self.object, "no_index", False) # set read only file os.chmod(doc_file.file.path, 0400) self._save_histo("added file to ", "file : %s added" % if update_attributes: self.handle_added_file(doc_file) if thumbnail: generate_thumbnail.delay( return doc_file
[docs] def add_thumbnail(self, doc_file, thumbnail_file): """ Sets *thumnail_file* as the thumbnail of *doc_file*. *thumbnail_file* should be a :class:`~django.core.files.File` with an attribute *name* (like an :class:`UploadedFile`). :exceptions raised: * :exc:`ValueError` if *doc_file*.document is not self.object * :exc:`ValueError` if the file size is superior to :attr:`settings.MAX_FILE_SIZE` * :exc:`.PermissionError` if :attr:`_user` is not the owner of :attr:`object` * :exc:`.PermissionError` if :attr:`object` is not editable. """ self.check_edit_files() if != raise ValueError("Bad file's document") if settings.MAX_FILE_SIZE != -1 and thumbnail_file.size > settings.MAX_FILE_SIZE: raise ValueError("File too big, max size : %d bytes" % settings.MAX_FILE_SIZE) if doc_file.deprecated: raise ValueError("File is deprecated") basename = os.path.basename( name = "%d%s" % (, os.path.splitext(basename)[1]) if doc_file.thumbnail: doc_file.thumbnail.delete(save=False) doc_file.thumbnail =, thumbnail_file) image = image.thumbnail((150, 150), Image.ANTIALIAS)
[docs] def delete_file(self, doc_file): """ Deletes *doc_file*, the file attached to *doc_file* is physically removed. :exceptions raised: * :exc:`ValueError` if *doc_file*.document is not self.object * :exc:`plmapp.exceptions.DeleteFileError` if *doc_file* is locked * :exc:`.PermissionError` if :attr:`_user` is not the owner of :attr:`object` * :exc:`.PermissionError` if :attr:`object` is not editable. :param doc_file: the file to be deleted :type doc_file: :class:`.DocumentFile` """ self.check_edit_files() if != raise ValueError("Bad file's document") if doc_file.locked: raise DeleteFileError("File is locked") if doc_file.deprecated: raise ValueError("File is deprecated") path = os.path.realpath(doc_file.file.path) if not path.startswith(settings.DOCUMENTS_DIR): raise DeleteFileError("Bad path : %s" % path) filename = doc_file.filename doc_file.deprecated = True self._delete_old_files(doc_file, ON_DELETE_SELECTORS) self._save_histo("deleted file in ", "file : %s was deleted" % filename)
[docs] def handle_added_file(self, doc_file): """ Method called when adding a file (method :meth:`add_file`) with *updates_attributes* set to True. This method may be overridden to updates attributes with data from *doc_file*. The default implementation does nothing. :param doc_file: :type doc_file: :class:`.DocumentFile` """ pass
[docs] def attach_to_part(self, part): """ Links *part* (a :class:`.Part`) with :attr:`~PLMObjectController.object`. """ self.check_attach_part(part) if isinstance(part, PLMObjectController): part = part.object self.documentpartlink_document.create(part=part) self._save_histo(models.DocumentPartLink.ACTION_NAME, "%s (%s//%s//%s) <=> %s (%s//%s//%s)" % (, part.type, part.reference, part.revision,, self.object.type, self.object.reference, self.object.revision))
[docs] def detach_part(self, part): """ Deletes link between *part* (a :class:`.Part`) and :attr:`~PLMObjectController.object`. """ self.check_attach_part(part, True) if isinstance(part, PLMObjectController): part = part.object link = link.end() self._save_histo("Undo - " + models.DocumentPartLink.ACTION_NAME, "%s (%s//%s//%s) <=> %s (%s//%s//%s)" % (, part.type, part.reference, part.revision,, self.object.type, self.object.reference, self.object.revision))
[docs] def get_attached_parts(self, time=None): """ Returns all parts attached to :attr:`~PLMObjectController.object`. """ return
[docs] def get_detachable_parts(self): """ Returns all attached parts the user can detach. """ links = [] for link in self.get_attached_parts().select_related("parts"): part = link.part if self.can_detach_part(part): links.append( if links: return self.documentpartlink_document.filter(id__in=links).now() else: return models.DocumentPartLink.objects.none()
[docs] def is_part_attached(self, part): """ Returns True if *part* is attached to the current document. """ if isinstance(part, PLMObjectController): part = part.object return self.documentpartlink_document.filter(part=part).now().exists()
[docs] def check_attach_part(self, part, detach=False): if not (hasattr(part, "is_part") and part.is_part): raise TypeError("%s is not a part" % part) if not isinstance(part, PLMObjectController): part = get_controller(part.type)(part, self._user) part.check_attach_document(self, detach)
[docs] def can_attach_part(self, part): """ Returns True if *part* can be attached to the current document. """ can_attach = False try: self.check_attach_part(part) can_attach = True except StandardError: pass return can_attach
[docs] def can_detach_part(self, part): """ Returns True if *part* can be detached. """ can_detach = False try: self.check_attach_part(part, True) can_detach = True except StandardError: pass return can_detach
[docs] def get_suggested_parts(self): """ Returns a QuerySet of parts a user may want to attach to a future revision. """ attached_parts = self.get_attached_parts().select_related("part", "part__state", "part__lifecycle").only("part") parts = [] for link in attached_parts: part = link.part try: new = models.RevisionLink.objects.get(old=part).new if new.is_draft: parts.append(new) while models.RevisionLink.objects.filter(old=new).exists(): new = models.RevisionLink.objects.get(old=new).new if new.is_draft: parts.append(new) except models.RevisionLink.DoesNotExist: if not part.is_deprecated: parts.append(part) if parts: qs = models.Part.objects.filter(id__in=( for p in parts)) qs = qs.select_related('type', 'reference', 'revision', 'name') return qs else: return models.Part.objects.none()
[docs] def copy_files(self, src): for doc_file in src.files.all(): filename = doc_file.filename path = models.docfs.get_available_name(filename.encode("utf-8")) shutil.copy(doc_file.file.path, models.docfs.path(path)) new_doc = models.DocumentFile.objects.create(file=path, filename=filename, size=doc_file.size, document=self.object) os.chmod(new_doc.file.path, 0400) new_doc.thumbnail = doc_file.thumbnail if doc_file.thumbnail: ext = os.path.splitext(doc_file.thumbnail.path)[1] thumb = "%d%s" %(, ext) dirname = os.path.dirname(doc_file.thumbnail.path) thumb_path = os.path.join(dirname, thumb) shutil.copy(doc_file.thumbnail.path, thumb_path) new_doc.thumbnail = os.path.basename(thumb_path) new_doc.locked = False = None
[docs] def revise(self, new_revision, selected_parts=(), **kwargs): # same as PLMObjectController + duplicate files (and their thumbnails) rev = super(DocumentController, self).revise(new_revision, **kwargs) rev.copy_files(self) # attach the given parts for part in selected_parts: rev.documentpartlink_document.create(part=part) return rev
[docs] def checkin(self, doc_file, new_file, update_attributes=True, thumbnail=True): """ Updates *doc_file* with data from *new_file*. *doc_file*.thumbnail is deleted if it is present. :exceptions raised: * :exc:`ValueError` if *doc_file*.document is not self.object * :exc:`ValueError` if the file size is superior to :attr:`settings.MAX_FILE_SIZE` * :exc:`plmapp.exceptions.UnlockError` if *doc_file* is locked but ** is not the current user * :exc:`.PermissionError` if :attr:`_user` is not the owner of :attr:`object` * :exc:`.PermissionError` if :attr:`object` is not editable. :param doc_file: :type doc_file: :class:`.DocumentFile` :param new_file: file with new data, same parameter as *f* in :meth:`add_file` :param update_attributes: True if :meth:`handle_added_file` should be called """ self.check_edit_files() if != raise ValueError("Bad file's document") if doc_file.filename != raise ValueError("Checkin document and document already in plm have different names") if settings.MAX_FILE_SIZE != -1 and new_file.size > settings.MAX_FILE_SIZE: raise ValueError("File too big, max size : %d bytes" % settings.MAX_FILE_SIZE) if doc_file.deprecated: raise ValueError("File is deprecated") doc_file.no_index = True if doc_file.locked: self.unlock(doc_file) now = previous_revision = doc_file.previous_revision doc_file.previous_revision = None ="utf-8") deprecated_df = models.DocumentFile.objects.create( document=self.object, deprecated=True, size=doc_file.size, filename=doc_file.filename,, doc_file.file), thumbnail=None, ctime=doc_file.ctime, revision=doc_file.revision, end_time=now, previous_revision=previous_revision, last_revision=doc_file) if doc_file.thumbnail: path ="%d.png" %, doc_file.thumbnail) deprecated_df.no_index = True deprecated_df.thumbnail = os.path.basename(path) # update the doc_file doc_file.file =, new_file) doc_file.size = new_file.size doc_file.previous_revision = deprecated_df doc_file.revision += 1 doc_file.ctime = now os.chmod(doc_file.file.path, 0400) doc_file.no_index = False # delete "old" files (not the document file) self._delete_old_files(doc_file, ON_CHECKIN_SELECTORS) self._save_histo("checked-in ", doc_file.filename) if update_attributes: self.handle_added_file(doc_file) if thumbnail: generate_thumbnail.delay(
def _delete_old_files(self, doc_file, selectors): delete_old_files.delay(, selectors)
[docs] def update_rel_part(self, formset): u""" Updates related part informations with data from *formset* :param formset: :type formset: a modelfactory_formset of :class:`~plmapp.forms.ModifyRelPartForm` """ parts = set() if formset.is_valid(): for form in formset.forms: document = form.cleaned_data["document"] if != raise ValueError("Bad document %s (%s expected)" % (document, self.object)) delete = form.cleaned_data["delete"] part = form.cleaned_data["part"] if delete: parts.add(part) if parts: for part in parts: self.detach_part(part) ids = ( for p in parts) self.documentpartlink_document.filter(part__in=ids).end()
[docs] def update_file(self, formset): u""" Updates uploaded file informations with data from *formset* :param formset: :type formset: a modelfactory_formset of :class:`~plmapp.forms.ModifyFileForm` :raises: :exc:`.PermissionError` if :attr:`_user` is not the owner of :attr:`object` :raises: :exc:`.PermissionError` if :attr:`object` is not editable. """ self.check_edit_files() if formset.is_valid(): for form in formset.forms: document = form.cleaned_data["document"] if != raise ValueError("Bad document %s (%s expected)" % (document, self.object)) delete = form.cleaned_data["delete"] filename = form.cleaned_data["id"] if delete: self.delete_file(filename)
[docs] def cancel(self): """ Cancels the object: * calls :meth:`.PLMObjectController.cancel` * removes all :class:`.DocumentPartLink` related to the object """ super(DocumentController, self).cancel() self.get_attached_parts().end() for doc_file in self.files: self._delete_old_files(doc_file, ON_CANCEL_SELECTORS)
[docs] def check_cancel(self, raise_=True): res = super(DocumentController, self).check_cancel(raise_=raise_) if res : res = res and not self.get_attached_parts() if (not res) and raise_ : raise PermissionError("This document is related to a part.") return res
[docs] def clone(self,form, user, parts, block_mails=False, no_index=False): """ Clones the object : * calls :meth:`.PLMObjectController.clone` * duplicates all :class:`.DocumentFile` in self.object :param parts: list of :class:`.Part` selected to be attached to the new document """ new_ctrl = super(DocumentController, self).clone(form, user, block_mails, no_index) new_ctrl.copy_files(self) if parts : # attach the given parts for part in parts: models.DocumentPartLink.objects.create(part=part, document=new_ctrl.object) details = "to %s (%s//%s//%s) " %(, new_ctrl.type, new_ctrl.reference, new_ctrl.revision) self._save_histo("cloned", details) return new_ctrl
[docs] def publish(self): super(DocumentController, self).publish() # publish all thumbnails input_dir = settings.THUMBNAILS_DIR output_dir = os.path.join(input_dir, "..", "public", "thumbnails") for path in self.files.exclude(thumbnail="").values_list("thumbnail", flat=True): os.symlink(os.path.join(input_dir, path), os.path.join(output_dir, path))
[docs] def unpublish(self): super(DocumentController, self).unpublish() # unpublish all thumbnails input_dir = settings.THUMBNAILS_DIR output_dir = os.path.join(input_dir, "..", "public", "thumbnails") for path in self.files.exclude(thumbnail="").values_list("thumbnail", flat=True): try: os.unlink(os.path.join(output_dir, path)) except OSError: pass
def _deprecate(self): super(DocumentController, self)._deprecate() for doc_file in self.files: self._delete_old_files(doc_file, ON_DEPRECATE_SELECTORS) def _fast_reindex_files(self): """ Reindexes associated document files. Called after a promote or a demote to update the state_class field of each file. """ files = list(self.files.values_list("pk", flat=True)) if files: app_label = models.DocumentFile._meta.app_label module_name = models.DocumentFile._meta.module_name update_indexes.delay([(app_label, module_name, pk) for pk in files], fast_reindex=True)
[docs] def promote(self, *args, **kwargs): r = super(DocumentController, self).promote(*args, **kwargs) self._fast_reindex_files() return r
[docs] def demote(self, *args, **kwargs): super(DocumentController, self).demote(*args, **kwargs) self._fast_reindex_files()