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Code source de plmapp.controllers.user

# openPLM - open source PLM
# Copyright 2010 Philippe Joulaud, Pierre Cosquer
# This file is part of openPLM.
#    openPLM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    openPLM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with openPLM.  If not, see <>.
# Contact :
#    Philippe Joulaud :
#    Pierre Cosquer :

This module contains a class called :class:`UserController` which
provides a controller for :class:`~django.contrib.auth.models.User`.
This class is similar to :class:`.PLMObjectController` but some methods
from :class:`.PLMObjectController` are not defined.

import os
from django.conf import settings
from django.db.models.fields import FieldDoesNotExist
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
from django.template import Context, Template
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404

import openPLM.plmapp.models as models
from openPLM.plmapp.mail import send_mail
from openPLM.plmapp.tasks import update_index
from openPLM.plmapp.utils import generate_password
from openPLM.plmapp.exceptions import PermissionError, DeleteFileError
from openPLM.plmapp.controllers.base import Controller, permission_required

NEW_ACCOUNT_SUBJECT = u"New account on OpenPLM"

[docs]class UserController(Controller): u""" Object used to manage a :class:`~django.contrib.auth.models.User` and store his modification in a history :attributes: .. attribute:: object The :class:`~django.contrib.auth.models.User` managed by the controller :param obj: managed object :type obj: an instance of :class:`~django.contrib.auth.models.User` :param user: user who modify *obj* :type user: :class:`~django.contrib.auth.models.User` .. note:: This class does not inherit from :class:`.PLMObjectController`. """ HISTORY = models.UserHistory __slots__ = Controller.__slots__ + ("creator", "owner",) def __init__(self, obj, user, block_mails=False, no_index=False): super(UserController, self).__init__(obj, user, block_mails, no_index) self.creator = obj self.owner = obj @classmethod
[docs] def load(cls, type, reference, revision, user): return cls(get_object_or_404(models.User, username=reference), user)
[docs] def get_verbose_name(self, attr_name): """ Returns a verbose name for *attr_name*. Example:: >>> ctrl.get_verbose_name("rank") u'role in PLM' """ try: item = unicode(self.object._meta.get_field(attr_name).verbose_name) except FieldDoesNotExist: names = { "rank" : _("role in PLM"), "creator" : _("creator"), "owner" : _("owner")} item = names.get(attr_name, attr_name) return item
[docs] def update_from_form(self, form): u""" Updates :attr:`object` from data of *form* This method raises :exc:`ValueError` if *form* is invalid. """ self.check_update_data() if form.is_valid(): new_avatar = False previous_avatar = self.profile.avatar.path if self.profile.avatar else False if self._user != self.object: # to an user who has not yet logged in, # it is quite surprising to receive a mail saying something # has been modified self.block_mails() need_save = False for key, value in form.cleaned_data.iteritems(): if key not in ("username", "avatar"): setattr(self, key, value) need_save = True avatar = form.cleaned_data["avatar"] if avatar: self.profile.avatar = avatar need_save = new_avatar = True if need_save: if new_avatar and previous_avatar: os.remove(previous_avatar) else: raise ValueError("form is invalid")
[docs] def check_update_data(self): try: self.check_permission(models.ROLE_OWNER) except PermissionError as e: # its sponsor has permission to edit this form # if the user has not yet logged in try: link = models.DelegationLink.current_objects.get(delegator=self._user, delegatee=self.object, role=models.ROLE_SPONSOR) except models.DelegationLink.DoesNotExist: raise e if self.object.last_login >= link.ctime: raise e
[docs] def can_update_data(self): # for templates try: self.check_update_data() except PermissionError: can = False else: can = True return can
def __setattr__(self, attr, value): # we override this method to make it to modify *object* directly # (or its profile) # if we modify *object*, we records the modification in **_histo* if hasattr(self, "object"): obj = object.__getattribute__(self, "object") profile = obj.profile else: obj = None if obj and (hasattr(obj, attr) or hasattr(profile, attr)) and \ not attr in self.__slots__: obj2 = obj if hasattr(obj, attr) else profile old_value = getattr(obj2, attr) setattr(obj2, attr, value) # since x.verbose_name is a proxy methods, we need to get a real # unicode object (with capitalize) field = obj2._meta.get_field(attr).verbose_name.capitalize() if old_value != value: message = "%(field)s : changes from '%(old)s' to '%(new)s'" % \ {"field" : field, "old" : old_value, "new" : value} self._histo += message + "\n" else: super(UserController, self).__setattr__(attr, value) def __getattr__(self, attr): # we override this method to get attributes from *object* directly # (or its profile) obj = object.__getattribute__(self, "object") profile = obj.profile if hasattr(self, "object") and hasattr(obj, attr) and \ not attr in self.__slots__: return getattr(obj, attr) elif hasattr(profile, attr) and not attr in self.__slots__: return getattr(profile, attr) else: return object.__getattribute__(self, attr)
[docs] def save(self, with_history=True): u""" Saves :attr:`object` and records its history in the database. If *with_history* is False, the history is not recorded. """ super(UserController, self).save(with_history) update_index.delay("auth", "user",
[docs] def has_permission(self, role): if role == models.ROLE_OWNER: return self.object == self._user return False
[docs] def delegate(self, user, role): """ Delegates role *role* to *user*. Possible values for *role* are: ``'notified'`` valid for all users ``'owner'`` valid only for contributors and administrators :samp:``'sign_{x}_level'`` valid only for contributors and administrators ``'sign*'`` valid only for contributors and administrators, means all sign roles that :attr:`object` has. :raise: :exc:`.PermissionError` if *user* can not have the role *role* :raise: :exc:`ValueError` if *user* is :attr:`object` """ if user == self.object: raise ValueError("Bad delegatee (self)") if not user.is_active: raise ValueError("User account is inactive") if self._user.profile.restricted: raise PermissionError("A restricted account can not delegate a right") if user.profile.restricted: raise PermissionError("%s can not have role %s" % (user, role)) if user.profile.is_viewer and role != 'notified': raise PermissionError("%s can not have role %s" % (user, role)) if self.object.profile.is_viewer and role != 'notified': raise PermissionError("%s can not have role %s" % (self.object, role)) if role == "sign*": qset = models.PLMObjectUserLink.current_objects.filter(user=self.object, role__startswith="sign_").only("role") roles = set(link.role for link in qset) else: roles = [role] for r in roles: models.DelegationLink.current_objects.get_or_create(delegator=self.object, delegatee=user, role=r) details = "%(delegator)s delegated the role %(role)s to %(delegatee)s" details = details % dict(role=role, delegator=self.object, delegatee=user) self._save_histo(models.DelegationLink.ACTION_NAME, details)
[docs] def remove_delegation(self, delegation_link): """ Removes a delegation (*delegation_link*). The delegator must be :attr:`object`, otherwise a :exc:`ValueError` is raised. """ if delegation_link.delegator != self.object: raise ValueError("%s is not the delegator of %s" % (self.object, ValueError)) details = "%(delegator)s removed his delegation for the role %(role)s to %(delegatee)s" details = details % dict(role=delegation_link.role, delegator=self.object, delegatee=delegation_link.delegatee) self._save_histo(models.DelegationLink.ACTION_NAME, details) delegation_link.end()
[docs] def get_sponsor_subject(self, new_user): subject = getattr(settings, "NEW_ACCOUNT_SUBJECT", NEW_ACCOUNT_SUBJECT) return Template(subject).render(Context(dict(new_user=new_user, sponsor=self._user)))
[docs] def sponsor(self, new_user, is_contributor=True, restricted=False): self.check_contributor() if is_contributor and restricted: raise ValueError("An restricted account can not be a contributor account") email = try: # checks *email* if settings.RESTRICT_EMAIL_TO_DOMAINS: # i don't know if a domain can contains a '@' domain = email.rsplit("@", 1)[1] if domain not in Site.objects.values_list("domain", flat=True): raise PermissionError("Email's domain not valid") except AttributeError: # restriction disabled if the setting is not set pass password = generate_password() new_user.set_password(password) new_user.profile.is_contributor = is_contributor new_user.profile.restricted = restricted link = models.DelegationLink(delegator=self._user, delegatee=new_user, role=models.ROLE_SPONSOR) ctx = { "new_user" : new_user, "sponsor" : self._user, "password" : password, } update_index.delay("auth", "user", self._send_mail(send_mail, self.get_sponsor_subject(new_user), [new_user], ctx, "mails/new_account") models.UserHistory.objects.create(action="Create", user=self._user, plmobject=self._user, details="New user: %s" % new_user.username) models.UserHistory.objects.create(action="Create", user=self._user, plmobject=new_user, details="Account created")
[docs] def resend_sponsor_mail(self, new_user): try: link = models.DelegationLink.current_objects.get(delegator=self._user, delegatee=new_user, role=models.ROLE_SPONSOR) except models.DelegationLink.DoesNotExist: raise PermissionError("You did not sponsored %s" % new_user.username) # checks that new_user did not logged on openPLM to not # reset its password if new_user.last_login >= link.ctime: raise ValueError("Can not resend a sponsor mail:" "%s has already logged on openPLM" % new_user) # generate a new password password = generate_password() new_user.set_password(password) # send a mail ctx = { "new_user" : new_user, "sponsor" : self._user, "password" : password, } self._send_mail(send_mail, self.get_sponsor_subject(new_user), [new_user], ctx, "mails/new_account")
[docs] def check_readable(self, raise_=True): if self._user.profile.restricted: if != if raise_: raise PermissionError("You can not see this user account") return False return True
[docs] def add_file(self, f): """ Adds private file *f*. *f* should be a :class:`~django.core.files.File` with an attribute *name* (like an :class:`UploadedFile`). :return: the :class:`.PrivateFile` created. :raises: :exc:`.PermissionError` if :attr:`_user` is not the owner of :attr:`object` :raises: :exc:`ValueError` if the file size is superior to :attr:`settings.MAX_FILE_SIZE` """ self.check_permission("owner") self.check_contributor() if settings.MAX_FILE_SIZE != -1 and f.size > settings.MAX_FILE_SIZE: raise ValueError("File too big, max size : %d bytes" % settings.MAX_FILE_SIZE) ="utf-8"), os.SEEK_END) size = f.tell() doc_file = models.PrivateFile.objects.create(, size=size,,f), creator=self.object) # set read only file os.chmod(doc_file.file.path, 0400) # no history! return doc_file
[docs] def delete_file(self, doc_file): """ Deletes *doc_file*, the file attached to *doc_file* is physically removed. :exceptions raised: * :exc:`ValueError` if *doc_file*.creator is not self.object * :exc:`plmapp.exceptions.DeleteFileError` if *doc_file* is locked * :exc:`.PermissionError` if :attr:`_user` is not the owner of :attr:`object` :param doc_file: the file to be deleted :type doc_file: :class:`.PrivateFile` """ self.check_permission("owner") if doc_file.creator != self.object: raise PermissionError("Not your file") path = os.path.realpath(doc_file.file.path) if not path.startswith(settings.DOCUMENTS_DIR): raise DeleteFileError("Bad path : %s" % path) os.chmod(path, 0700) os.remove(path) doc_file.delete()
[docs] def update_file(self, formset): u""" Updates uploaded file informations with data from *formset* :param formset: :type formset: a modelfactory_formset of :class:`~plmapp.forms.ModifyFileForm` :raises: :exc:`.PermissionError` if :attr:`_user` is not the owner of :attr:`object` """ self.check_permission("owner") if formset.is_valid(): for form in formset.forms: creator = form.cleaned_data["creator"] if != raise ValueError("Not your file") delete = form.cleaned_data["delete"] filename = form.cleaned_data["id"] if delete: self.delete_file(filename)