import re
from django import template
from django.db.models.fields import FieldDoesNotExist
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth.models import User, Group
from django.template import Node, resolve_variable
from haystack.models import SearchResult
from openPLM.plmapp.controllers import (DocumentController, PartController,
UserController, GroupController)
from openPLM.plmapp import models
from openPLM.plmapp.filters import richtext, plaintext
from openPLM.plmapp.utils import get_pages_num
register = template.Library()
[docs]def can_add(obj, arg):
Test if an object can be linked to the current object.
:param obj: object to test
:type obj: it can be an instance of :class:`.DocumentFile`, :class:`.Part` or :class:`.UserController`
:param arg: arguments here are the current object and the action for link creation
:return: True if the action can be processed on the current object
# TODO: replace this with the callable (cur_obj.can_attach_document...)
cur_obj, action = arg
if isinstance(obj, models.DocumentFile):
obj = obj.document
if callable(action):
return action(obj)
if action == "attach_doc":
return cur_obj.can_attach_document(obj)
elif action == "attach_part":
return cur_obj.can_attach_part(obj)
elif action == "add_child":
return cur_obj.can_add_child2(obj)
elif action == "add_alternate":
# FIXME: can_add_alternate is slow
# something like can_add_chil2 could improve performance (less queries)
return cur_obj.can_add_alternate(obj)
elif action == "delegate" or (action.startswith("add_") and action != "add_reader"):
if isinstance(obj, (User, UserController)):
if not obj.is_active:
return False
if obj.profile.restricted:
return False
if hasattr(cur_obj, "check_in_group"):
if obj.username == settings.COMPANY:
return False
if cur_obj.check_in_group(obj):
if action.startswith("add_"):
role = action[4:]
if obj.profile.is_viewer and role != models.ROLE_NOTIFIED:
return False
return not,
return True
return True
elif action in ("delegate-reader", "add_reader"):
if isinstance(obj, (User, UserController)):
if not obj.is_active:
return False
if obj.profile.restricted:
if action == "add_reader":
return not,
return True
return False
[docs]def can_add_type(parent_type, child_type):
Used in Bom View.
:param parent_type: Type of the parent, the current part
:param child_type: type of the object that may be added as child
:return: True if child_type is a type of object that can be added to parent_type
part_types = models.get_all_parts()
return parent_type in part_types and child_type in part_types
[docs]def can_link(current_type, suggested_type):
Used in Doc-Parts views.
:param current_type: type of the current object (part or document)
:param suggested_type: type of the object that may be attached to the current one
:return: True if current_type is a type of object that can be attached to current_type object
doc_types = models.get_all_documents()
part_types = models.get_all_parts()
return ((current_type in doc_types and suggested_type in part_types) or
(current_type in part_types and suggested_type in doc_types))
[docs]def key(d, key_name):
value = d[key_name]
except KeyError:
return value
key = register.filter('key', key)
[docs]def indice(l, index):
return l[index]
indice = register.filter('indice', indice)
[docs]def attr(o, attr_name):
return getattr(o, attr_name, settings.TEMPLATE_STRING_IF_INVALID)
attr = register.filter('attr', attr)
[docs]def plainattr(obj, attr_name):
v = getattr(obj, attr_name)
field = obj._meta.get_field(attr_name)
if getattr(field, "richtext", False):
v = plaintext(v, obj)
except FieldDoesNotExist:
return v
[docs]def is_plmobject(result):
Returns True if the object behind *result* is an instance of :class:`.PLMObject`
return issubclass(result.model, models.PLMObject)
[docs]def is_documentfile(result):
Returns True if the object behind *result* is an instance of :class:`.DocumentFile`
return issubclass(result.model, models.DocumentFile)
[docs]def get_state_class(plmobject):
Returns the state class ("cancelled", "draft", "proposed", "official",
or "deprecated") of *plmobject*.
state, lifecycle = (plmobject.state_id, plmobject.lifecycle_id)
if lifecycle == models.get_cancelled_lifecycle().name:
return "cancelled"
lc = models.Lifecycle.objects.get(name=lifecycle)
if state == lc.official_state_id:
return "official"
if state ==
return "draft"
if state ==
return "deprecated"
return "proposed"
[docs]def result_class(result):
Returns a css class according to result.
if result.state_class:
return result.state_class
if issubclass(result.model, (models.PLMObject, models.DocumentFile)):
result.state_id = result.state
result.lifecycle_id = result.lifecycle
if result.state_id and result.lifecycle_id:
return "state-" + get_state_class(result)
return ""
# yes, this is a really bad way to detect an email
# but we may have to hide something like user@<em>domain</em>
# it is only use to hide an email
_email_rx = re.compile(r"\b[\w.>_<%+-]+@[\w_<>-]+(\.[\w_><-]+)+\b")
[docs]def hide_emails(text):
Returns *text* with all emails removed.
from django.conf import settings
if getattr(settings, "HIDE_EMAILS", False):
text = _email_rx.sub("", text)
return text
# from by naktinis
The tag generates a parameter string in form '?param1=val1¶m2=val2'.
The parameter list is generated by taking all parameters from current
request.GET and optionally overriding them by providing parameters to the tag.
This is a cleaned up version of It
solves a couple of issues, namely:
* parameters are optional
* parameters can have values from request, e.g.
* native parsing methods are used for better compatibility and readability
* shorter tag name
Usage: place this code in your appdir/templatetags/
In template:
{% load add_get_parameter %}
<a href="{% add_get param1='const' param2=variable_in_context %}">
Link with modified params
It's required that you have 'django.core.context_processors.request' in
Original version's URL:
[docs]class AddGetParameter(Node):
def __init__(self, values, variables):
self.values = values
self.variables = variables
[docs] def render(self, context):
req = resolve_variable('request', context)
params = req.GET.copy()
for key, value in self.values.items():
params[key] = value.resolve(context)
for var in self.variables:
for key, val in var.resolve(context).items():
params[key] = val
return '?%s' % params.urlencode()
[docs]def add_get(parser, token):
pairs = token.split_contents()[1:]
values = {}
variables = []
for pair in pairs:
if '=' in pair:
s = pair.split('=', 1)
values[s[0]] = parser.compile_filter(s[1])
return AddGetParameter(values, variables)
[docs]class AddSearchParameter(Node):
def __init__(self, values):
self.values = values
[docs] def render(self, context):
req = resolve_variable('request', context)
params = req.GET.copy()
if "type" not in self.values:
params["type"] = req.session.get("type", "all")
if "q" not in self.values:
params["q"] = req.session.get("search_query", "*")
if "search_official" not in self.values:
params["search_official"] = req.session.get("search_official", "")
for key, value in self.values.items():
params[key] = value.resolve(context)
return '?%s' % params.urlencode()
[docs]def add_search(parser, token):
pairs = token.split_contents()[1:]
values = {}
for pair in pairs:
s = pair.split('=', 1)
values[s[0]] = parser.compile_filter(s[1])
return AddSearchParameter(values)
[docs]def show_pages_bar(page, request):
return {
"objects" : page,
"request" : request,
"pages" : get_pages_num(page.paginator.num_pages, page.number),
[docs]class IsObjectReadableNode(template.Node):
[docs] def render(self, context):
obj = context["object"]
user = context["request"].user
context["is_object_readable"] = is_readable(obj, user)
except (KeyError, AttributeError):
context["is_object_readable"] = True
return ''
[docs]def do_is_object_readable(parser, token):
tag_name, = token.split_contents()
except ValueError:
raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "%r tag requires no arguments" % token.contents.split()[0]
return IsObjectReadableNode()
register.tag('is_object_readable', do_is_object_readable)
[docs]def is_readable(obj, user):
from django.conf import settings
if user.username == settings.COMPANY:
return True
# plmobjects are readable if:
# * they are official, deprecated or cancelled
# * user is their owner
# * user is in their group
if isinstance(obj, models.PLMObject):
if obj.is_official or obj.is_deprecated or obj.is_cancelled:
return True
if obj.owner_id ==
return True
if not hasattr(user, "group_ids"):
# cache group ids as it may be used to test another object
# in the page
user.group_ids = set(user.groups.all().values_list("id", flat=True))
return obj.group_id in user.group_ids
elif isinstance(obj, SearchResult):
if is_plmobject(obj) or is_documentfile(obj):
if not hasattr(user, "group_names"):
user.group_names = set(user.groups.all().values_list("name", flat=True))
if is_plmobject(obj):
state_class = result_class(obj)
if state_class in ("state-official", "state-deprecated", "state-cancelled"):
return True
if obj.owner == user.username:
return True
if is None:
gr = models.PLMObject.objects.filter("group__name", flat=True)[0]
except IndexError: # deleted object, not yet unindexed
return False
return gr in user.group_names
return in user.group_names
elif is_documentfile(obj):
if in user.group_names:
return True
# the document may be official, deprecated...
s, l = (models.PLMObject.objects.filter(id=obj.document_id)
.values_list("state", "lifecycle"))[0]
obj.state_id = s
obj.lifecycle_id = l
return get_state_class(obj) in ("official", "deprecated",
# document file indexed before the revision [1848]
if obj.object is None: # deleted object
return False
doc = obj.object.document
return is_readable(doc, user)
# other objects: readable
return True
[docs]def main_type(obj):
if isinstance(obj, (User, UserController)):
return "user"
if isinstance(obj, (models.Part, PartController)) or getattr(obj, "is_part", False):
return "part"
if (isinstance(obj, (models.Document, DocumentController)) or
getattr(obj, "is_document", False)):
return "document"
if isinstance(obj, (Group, GroupController)):
return "group"
if hasattr(obj, "has_key") and "type" in obj:
if obj["type"] in models.get_all_parts():
return "part"
if obj["type"] in models.get_all_documents():
return "document"
return obj["type"]
return getattr(obj, "type", "").lower()
@register.inclusion_tag('snippets/confirmation_form.html', takes_context=True)
[docs]def confirm(context, action, action_label, msg, btn_classes=""):
return {
"action": action,
"action_label": action_label,
"msg": msg,
"action_url": context["action_url"],
"password_form": context["password_form"],
"btn_classes": btn_classes,
[docs]def richtext_filter(content, obj=None):
This template filter takes a string value and passes it through the
function specified by the RICHTEXT_FILTER setting.
return richtext(content, obj)
[docs]def plaintext_filter(content, obj=None):
This template filter takes a string value and passes it through the
function specified by the RICHTEXT_PLAIN_FILTER setting.
return plaintext(content, obj)
[docs]def avatar_url(user):
if isinstance(user, dict):
profile = user.get("profile")
profile = user.profile
if profile and profile.avatar:
return profile.avatar.url
return settings.STATIC_URL + "img/icon_user.png"
[docs]def normalize_language_code(code):
return code.lower().replace("_", "-")
[docs]def fix_rendered_result(rendered_text):
# ugly hack to fix invalid rendered content
# it replaces <a .."/><span ...</a> with <a .."<span .. </a>
return rendered_text.replace('"/><span', '"><span>')