Bases: openPLM.plmapp.models.document.Document
Model which allows to treat File .stp attached to DocumentFile for his later visualization and decomposition. It extends Document with the attribute/tab 3D
- PartDecompose¶
If the Document3D has been decomposed, Part from which we generate the decomposition
Add Tab 3D
Paramètres: | doc_file – DocumentFile which contains the File |
Returns the File related to the DocumentFile (doc_file) and his size
If the File contains in the DocumentFile (doc_file) is a .stp and was decomposed , this function calls a subprocess( composer() ) to rebuild the .stp File
If the Document3D has been decomposed, it returns a list with all the Document3D that form part of the decomposition, and for every Document3D for ONLY ONE level of depth
Function used when we add a new File .stp in a Document3D This function associates a series of files with classes ArbreFile and GeometryFile and this classes to a DocumentFile. The files were generated before the call to this function, their paths are known thanks to the information supplied in the temporary file(Every line of this file represents a file, the beginning of every line indicates the type of file)
Paramètres: |
Bases: openPLM.plmapp.controllers.document.DocumentController
A DocumentController which manages Document3D
It provides methods to deprecate and to manage (visualization3D and decomposition)files STEP.
If a File .stp is set like the file of a DocumentFile (doc_file) added to a Document3D , a special treatment (handle_step_file()) is begun (Only one file STEP allowed for each Document3D )
We erase also the classes GeometryFile and ArbreFile associated with the DocumentFile (doc_file)
A file can be depreciated for diverse motives, (when a file STEP is decomposed, when exists a native file associate to one file STEP and we realize a brute check-out of the STEP , the native will be deprecated , ...)
Paramètres: | doc_file – DocumentFile which will be deprecated |
Bases: django.db.models.base.Model
Link between DocumentFile that contains a File .stp present in a Document3D and a file .geo that represents his geometry A DocumentFile can have zero or many GeometryFile associated , to identify the different GeometryFile attached to one DocumentFile we use the attribute index. (index should be >=1)
The information contained in the file .geo will allow to generate the 3D view of the DocumentFile
- stp¶
DocumentFile of relation
- file¶
file .geo
- index¶
to identify the different GeometryFile attached to one DocumentFile (>=1)
Physically deletes (.geo files) and logically deletes GeometryFiles associated to doc_file
Paramètres: | doc_file – DocumentFile |
Bases: django.db.models.base.Model
Link between DocumentFile that contains a File .stp present in a Document3D and a file .arb that represents his arborescense A DocumentFile STEP have one ArbreFile associated
The information contained in the file .arb will allow to generate the 3D view and the decomposition of the DocumentFile
- stp¶
DocumentFile of relation
- decomposable¶
this attribute indicates if the DocumentFile can be decompose
Erase physical (file .arb) and logically the ArbreFile associated with a DocumentFile (doc_file)
Paramètres: | doc_file – DocumentFile |
Extend ParentChildLinkExtension Represents the matrix of transformation (rotation and translation) and the name of one relation between assemblies. When a file STEP is decomposed in Parts a ParentChildLink is generated between the Parts and each of these ParentChildLink could have attached one or more Location_link
Defines a non-persistent transformation in 3D space
x1 x2 x3 x4 x = x’ y1 y2 y3 y4 y = y’ z1 z2 z3 z4 z = z’ 0 0 0 1 1 = 1
Creates all Location_link bound to link and *pcl.
Paramètres: |
Paramètres: |
Updates a DocumentFile (stp_file) that was used like root in a decomposition , deprecating it and replacing by a new DocumentFile (new_stp_file)
This update consists in:
Connect the DocumentFile (new_stp_file) to the Document3D (ctrl.object)
Generate a new ArbreFile for the new_stp_file (product.doc_id and product.doc_path related to the new_stp_file)
Fix the attribute PartDecompose of the Document3D (ctrl.object) to the Part (part)
Deprecate the DocumentFile (stp_file)
Paramètres: |
Updates a DocumentFile STEP that WAS NOT root in a decomposition, to know which DocumentFile to update we use the attribute product.doc_id of the arborescense(product)
This update consists in:
Generate a new ArbreFile for each DocumentFile STEP present in the arborescense(product)
Generate news GeometryFile for the DocumentFile STEP (Copies of the GeometryFiles of the root DocumentFile (Identified for old_product.doc_id))
Paramètres: |
Copy the content of all GeometryFile (determined by his index(product.geometry)) present in the Product (product) and his childrens for a DocumentFile (doc_file) generating and connecting news entitys GeometryFile
To differentiate the content of a file .geo we use the combination index (determined by product.geometry) more id (product.doc_id)