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5.1.6. controllers.document — Controllers for documents

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5.1.7. — Controllers for groups

This module contains a class called GroupController which provides a controller for Group. This class is similar to PLMObjectController but some methods from PLMObjectController are not defined.

class, user, block_mails=False, no_index=False)[source]

Bases: openPLM.plmapp.controllers.base.Controller

Object used to manage a Group and store his modification in a history

Attributes :

The Group managed by the controller

  • obj (an instance of Group) – managed object
  • user (Group) – user who modify obj


This class does not inherit from PLMObjectController.


alias de GroupHistory

classmethod create(name, description, user, data={})[source]
classmethod create_from_form(form, user)[source]

Creates a PLMObjectController from form and associates user as the creator/owner of the PLMObject.

This method raises ValueError if form is invalid.

  • form – a django form associated to a model
  • user – user who creates/owns the object
Type retourné:


classmethod load(type, reference, revision, user)[source]

Updates users with data from formset

Paramètres:formset (a formset_factory of ModifyUserForm) –
Raises :PermissionError if _user is not the owner of object.
add_user(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Permission required: owner

Asks user to join the group.

An email is sent to user so that he can validate its inscription.

Raises :ValueError if user’s email is empty.

Asks to join the group.

An email is sent to the group’s owner so that he can validate the inscription.

Raises :ValueError if the owner’s email is empty.

Accepts an invitation.

If the owner sent invitation, it checks that _user is the guest and adds him to the group.

If the guest sent invitation, it checks that _user is the owner and adds the guest to the group.


Sends a mail to the owner asking him to accept the invitation to join the group.

This method can be called to resend an invitation.

Raises :ValueError if the invitation’s state is not Invitation.PENDING

Sends a mail to the guest asking him to accept the invitation to join the group.

This method can be called to resend an invitation.

Raises :ValueError if the invitation’s state is not Invitation.PENDING

Refuses an invitation.

If the owner sent invitation, it checks that _user is the guest and invitation is marked as refused.

If the guest sent invitation, it checks that _user is the owner and invitation is marked as refused.


Saves object and records its history in the database. If with_history is False, the history is not recorded.
